Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Doctors are medical physicians specialized in addressing the root causes of disease by using an integrative, functional, and holistic medical approach that combines both modern conventional medicine alongside traditional natural therapies.
Naturopathic Principles
The principles of Naturopathic Medicine guide the physician to create an environment of healing that focuses on treating the cause, using the least force necessary to get results, treating the whole person, and trusting the body to return to a healthy sustainable state when given the support it needs.
The Healing Power of Nature
Trust and support the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
Identify and Treat the Cause
Look beyond the symptoms and treat the underlying cause.
First Do No Harm
Utilize the most natural, least invasive and least toxic therapies first.
Doctor as Teacher
Take the time to educate patients about achieving and maintaining health.
Treat the Whole Person
Understand and treat all aspects that affects a person's health.
Focus on disease prevention, overall health, and wellness.
Naturopathic Therapies
Lifestyle Counseling
Physical, mental, emotional and environmental factors all affect our health. To reach our optimum health, we must change our lifestyle and limit as much unnecessary toxins and stress as possible. This will require learning to make informed choices about what we eat, how to respond to stress, and decreasing overall toxin exposure from our environment.
Therapeutic Nutrition
We understand the important connection between health and food. As part of a holistic health program, we will analyze your individual nutritional needs, and depending on your specific health condition, may implement a special diet to help you heal and recover.
Herbal & Botanical Medicine
Plants have been used as medicine for thousands of years and can be an option and very powerful tool for those who want to avoid prescription medications and their side effects. Under a knowledgeable herbalist, herbs can be used safely at all points of life: pregnancy, breastfeeding, infancy and all throughout adulthood.
Physical Medicine
A variety of different physical medicine techniques may be used to help decrease and alleviate pain: manual therapy, osseous/spinal manipulation, massage, hydrotherapy, therapeutic exercises and stretching, postural training, neuromuscular re-education and cold laser therapy.
The FDA does not regulate supplements the same way as drugs, which allows companies to highly market and sell supplements without much research. To keep you safe, we prescribe nutrients with the most scientific clinical efficacy and from companies with the cleanest track record and highest quality standards.
Pharmaceutical Drugs
Our philosophy is to always do the least harm possible. The treatment with the least side effects and toxins is always implemented first. However if a higher intervention medication is required, your Naturopathic Doctor has prescription rights and will be able to give you the medication you need.