Naturopathic Weight Loss

There are three key necessary steps you must accomplish in order to obtain your ideal weight:
1) Become aware that there is a problem
2) Figure out the root causes to those problems
3) Treat the root cause with natural sustainable methods
First everyone should understand that weight gain is not a disease. It is a symptom and the result of a deeper underlying cause. There are numerous reasons why you may not have succeeded in losing weight in the past including:
Medication Side Effects
Food Allergies
Food Sensitivities
Micro-Nutrient Deficiencies
Gut Dysbiosis
Hormone Imbalance
High Estrogen
Low Testosterone
Diabetes/Insulin Resistance
Excess Cortisol
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Chronic Infection
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Inflammation
Chronic Pain
Autoimmune Disease
Mental Disorders
Sleep Deprivation
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Environmental Toxins
In order to succeed you must rule out and resolve any health issues that may be contributing to your weight gain. By going over an extensive health history, following symptom patterns, and ordering the correct blood tests, we can find and address your individual root causes.
We have seen countless patients fail trying the newest fad diets, doing special exercising regimens, replacing their food with ideal protein or meal replacement shakes, taking weight loss supplements, appetite suppressants, thermogenics, diuretics, tried detoxing or cleansing programs.
Without the right diagnosis, it does not matter how great your diet or exercise regimen is, you may be wasting your time and money treating the wrong thing.
At Catalyst Natural Health, we help hundreds of patients reach their health goals. We understand the personal struggle of gaining and losing weight and have discovered the process that works. If you are ready to start making real health gains, then schedule and begin your journey today!